Disidentifying from the limited self
Self is unable to be harmed, tainted, wounded. An In-depth Birth Chart Astrology Reading points to that Self.
In the field of duality, we experience suffering. This is when we identify with a limited self. Healing, in the deepest sense, is returning to the Self that can not be harmed, tainted or wounded.
We come to this planet with wounds, unfinished business, traumas etc this can be seen in a Reading. The remedy to this, is also seen.
Specific skills, practices and understandings are highlighted in a Reading whereby healing can happen as smoothly and naturally as possible.
Healing example
The limited self is fearful of speaking the truth. One has expectations of what can and can’t be said in social situations. Deep down speaking the truth is burning inside. Courage is found, truth is spoken and they feel themselves like never before.
That ‘never before’ is not quite accurate. It is just that their true nature has been veiled by trauma. When they spoke the truth they connected with their True Self which is able to speak truth when the moment calls for it.
The more we live from our true nature, the more the veils of the limited self become transparent.
Knowing what to ‘heal’ is super helpful, in returning to Self.
What’s a Healing session like?
It can be very relaxing, although sometimes emotions come up to be released, which are welcome and we support you through those moments. The busy mind quietens a little, which can feel like a relief, as we all know! No matter how developed your intuition is, it can be used to guide what is said and felt. You are asked questions to help you explore what’s going on, in a curious way. Quite often clients can be pleasantly surprised about what comes up.
We support you to know how to apply this in your daily life. There is a clear, definite practical application to each session, which is inspiring for many.
Soon living your true nature of Self stabilises in every day life.
What kind of healing?
There are different approaches, give us a call to see if there is a good fit
Healing can help with:
- General Health
Stress Management, Weight Management, Health-related Problems, Pain Management, Rehab / Injury Counselling, Relaxation, Sleeping issues: insomnia, Sexuality issues, Terminal Illness
- Mental, Physical and Emotional Health
Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Guilt, Shame, Doubt, Unworthiness, Uncertainty, Anger management, Panic Disorder, Eating issues, Gastrointestinal issues, Musculoskeletal conditions, Psycho-physiological issues, Major trauma, Life transitions
- Personal
Self Esteem & Self Development, Sexual Difficulties, Anger Management, Assertiveness Training, Behaviour Problems, Carer Support, Bereavement and Loss, Motivation in Sport/Exercise, Spiritual/Religious Issues - Relationships
Relationship difficulties, Conflict Resolution, Couples Therapy, Getting Married, Dealing with Divorce/Separation
- Addictions
Impulsive Behaviours, Smoking Cessation, Substance Abuse, Sex/Porn-Addiction
- Work
Work Stress, Mission, Getting a new job
Hello everyone, my name is Laurence, I come from FRANCE and here, my first name is a girl s name.. So, few weeks back, Daniel contacted me because he heard I could be interested in a reading. To be honest, I never heard of Evolutionary Astrology before, so I did give it a go…
Daniel, as I told you before, you gave me peace of mind, you told me things that I never thought I would hear, and what you said did really make me at peace… it was such a nice feeling and I now understand more about my life… I really appreciate the time and the hard work you did put into my reading, it did opened my eyes on the main event of my childhood.. thank you so much for everything.. you did help me where others couldn’t..
I do listen from time to time our conversation and I am more than convince that even though some events in my life were difficult and dramatics, they were meant to be….
Thank you again….
I was not sure what to expect from my astrological reading. I knew my star sign but that was about it! I was about to be taken on a deep and intriguing journey that Daniel guided me with his deep and professional knowledge of this fascinating subject. I was handed a most beautiful astrological chart and then Daniel took me through each part step by step in an easy to understand format. I was amazed at how much of the reading linked seamlessly into parts of my life helping to make a lot of sense of past and present situations. I am still processing all the information that was offered but wanted to take the time to recommend Daniel and his offering of Astrological Readings. Thank You Daniel
I first worked with Daniel several years ago, following a referral from my GP. He helped me work through some serious trauma and through visualisation helped lift what I felt was a very heavy weight from my shoulders. He introduced me to Byron Katie’s technique, which helped me address my beliefs from a different perspective. This work stayed with me for a number of years.
Then at the beginning of 2020 I was suffering physical pain, which prevented me from exercising my favourite hobby. I reached out to Daniel again, and he helped me address the very deep hurt that was behind the physical pain I was experiencing. During covid I continued to work with him on a combination of issues that surfaced during this period, some from the past, some current. I could be completely open with Daniel. Even though we were online he quickly sensed how I was feeling. Daniel listened to me, he did not judge, he empathised. Through different techniques and recommended reading he helped me learn more about who I am. He gave me some thinking, breathing and meditation techniques to manage my self-sabotage voice. And through storytelling he helped me get to a place where I could share some past trauma with my family.
Daniel works with his clients flexibly; I wasn’t obliged to have a defined number of sessions with him and our session time suited my other commitments. I am now having a break from our sessions to put my work with Daniel into practise. Depending on where life goes, I won’t hesitate in getting in touch with him again.